January 25, 2024

SEO in 2024: What Works and What Doesn’t Work

Digital Marketing

The Power of Blogging

Search engine optimization, or SEO, has grown more difficult in today’s digital environment. To increase organic traffic to your website, you must continue to engage in SEO despite the challenges. According to studies, most users click on organic listings over sponsored ones.

Blogging is a useful tactic to support your SEO efforts. Google is all about content, and as they say, “content is king.” But in 2024, with more than a billion blogs already live, merely repeating the same content would not yield any meaningful effects.

You must put a distinctive spin on your material if you want to stand out from the crowd. Write a blog article once a week or even once a month, as opposed to trying to publish one every day. You may enhance social shares, backlinks, comments, and overall engagement with your content by offering new and original content. All of these factors will increase website traffic.

The Importance of Building a Brand

In 2024, good SEO will depend on developing a strong brand presence in addition to producing high-quality content. In order to assess a website’s legitimacy and reliability, Google searches for brand signals. You may increase your chances of appearing higher in search engine results by building a strong brand image.

Using Google Trends to compare your brand to those of your competitors is one approach to determine how strong it is. You can use this tool to compare the performance of your brand to others in your sector. Using an omni-channel strategy can help you build your brand’s reputation and presence online and off, which will eventually help you rank higher on Google.

The Challenges of Link Building

One of the most important SEO components, link development, has gotten harder in recent years. Requesting links from other websites is rarely successful as the number of websites vying for backlinks rises. Many website owners are reluctant to link to unknown sites because they receive a lot of requests for links.

Using a tool like Alief’ “Link Intersect” function is a more efficient way to construct links than relying on conventional techniques. You can use this tool to find websites that connect to your rivals but not to your own. Because these websites have already shown that they are prepared to connect to other businesses in your field, contacting them will increase your chances of obtaining valuable backlinks.

The Need for Speed

In the quick-paced digital world of today, website performance is important for search engine optimisation. Google currently offers several search engines for desktop and mobile platforms, and both depend heavily on speed. Web pages may load slowly because, despite the widespread use of 4G and 5G phones, reception strength is not always guaranteed.

You may use Google Page Speed to make sure your website loads efficiently and promptly. With the help of this tool, you may optimise the regions where Google finds your website loading more slowly. You can improve user experience and raise your chances of ranking higher in search engine results by making your website faster.

The Rise of Voice Search

Due to its growing popularity, voice search is currently used by two out of every five adults. It’s predicted that more than 50% of individuals will use voice search by 2025. As a result, you must optimise your content and website to take advantage of this expanding trend.

It’s critical to concentrate on providing succinct answers to common queries when optimising for voice search. Give succinct, direct responses rather than lengthy paragraphs. You may also increase your website’s exposure in voice search results by making sure it loads quickly, is on HTTPS, and has relevant, well-organized information.

Maintaining Fresh Content

It should come as no surprise that there is information available on almost any topic given the billions of blogs that are currently live online. You must always be updating your material if you want to stand out and keep a competitive advantage.

While producing original content is essential, it’s also critical to keep in mind that other people might steal your ideas. It is therefore equally crucial to update your top-performing material on a frequent basis. You can make sure that your material stays current and maintains its high search engine ranking by doing this.


To sum up, SEO is still essential for success online in 2019. You may increase the amount of useful organic traffic to your website by putting the appropriate methods into place, even in the face of growing competition and hurdles.

You may set yourself up for success in the always changing SEO landscape by concentrating on producing original and worthwhile content, developing a strong brand presence, employing efficient link-building strategies, speeding up your website, and accommodating voice search.

Recall that SEO calls for sustained effort and that outcomes might not happen right away. But you can keep ahead of the competition and keep expanding your online presence if you continuously put these strategies into practice and adjust to new trends.